Recent Work

Selected Publications


Peer Reviewed Articles

Lu, J. (2022). "For Profit or Patriotism? Balancing the interests of the Chinese state, host country and firm in the Lao rubber sector." The China Quarterly, 250, 332-355. 

Lu, J., Dev, L., Petersen-Rockney, M. (2022). "Criminalized crops: Environmentally-justified illicit crop interventions and the cyclical marginalization of smallholders." Political Geography, 99, 102781. 

Lu, J. (2021). "Grounding Chinese investment: Encounters between Chinese capital and local land politics in Laos." Globalizations, 18 (3), 422–440. 

Lu, J. & Schönweger, O. (2019). "Great expectations: Chinese investment in Laos and the myth of empty land." Territory, Politics, Governance, 7(1) 61-78. 

Lu, J. (2017). "Tapping into rubber: China’s opium replacement program and rubber production in Laos." The Journal of Peasant Studies 44 (4): 726-747.

Dev, L., Miller, K., Lu, J., Withey, L., Hruska, T. (2022). "Ambiguous spaces, empirical traces: accounting for ignorance when researching around the illicit." Progress in Human Geography. 46 (2): 652-671. 


Lu, J. (2020). Rubber’s Reach: Chinese land investments and state territorialization in the Sino-Lao borderlands. UC Berkeley. ProQuest ID: Lu_berkeley_0028E_19993. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m5bs486x. 

Book Chapters

Lu, J. (2017). "Development Cooperation with Chinese Characteristics: Opium Replacement and Chinese Rubber Investments in Northern Laos." In China's Backyard: Policies and Politics of Chinese Resource Investments in Southeast Asia: 332. ISEAS - Yusof Ishak Institute.


Harlan, T., Lu, J. "Green Cooperation: Environmental Governance and Development Aid on the Belt and Road." Essays on China and U.S. Policy. Ed. Lucas Myers. The Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, D.C. 

Smith, H., Lu, J., To, P., Mienmany, S. & Soukphaxay, K. (2020). "Rubber Plantation Value Chains in Laos: Opportunities and Constraints in Policy, Legality and Wood Processing." ACIAR project: Advancing enhanced wood manufacturing industries in Laos and Australia

Hett, C., Nanhthavong, V., Hanephom, S., Phommachanh, A., Sidavong, B., Phouangphet, K., Epprecht, M., Lu, J., Shattuck, A., Ingalls, M., Bernhard, R., Phathitmixay, S., Phomphakdy, C. & Heinimann, A. (2019). "Land deals in the Lao PDR: A characterization of investments in land and their impacts." Bern Open Publishing, Bern, Switzerland. 

Schönweger, O., Heinimann, A., Epprecht, M., Lu, J. & Thalongsengchanh, P. (2012). "Concessions and leases in the Lao PDR: Taking stock of land investments.Geographica Bernensis, Vientiane, Laos & Bern, Switzerland. 


Other Communications

Belt and Road Podcast (Co-Host with Erik Myxter-Iino): Covering the latest news, research and analysis of China's growing presence in the developing world.

Listen on Buzzsprout, Apple or Spotify | Follow us on Twitter and Facebook @beltandroadpod

Harlan, T. & Lu, J. (2022). Green Cooperation: Environmental Governance and Development Aid on the Belt and Road. Ed. Lucas Myers. "Essays on China and US Policy." 2021-22 Wilson Center China Fellowship, Washington, D.C. 

Lu, J. & E. Myxter-Iino. (2021). Beyond Competition: Why the BRI and the B3W Can't and Shouldn't be Considered Rivals. Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, New York. 

Lu, J. & T. Harlan. (2021). COP15 in Kunming: A New Role for China in Global Conservation? The Wilson Center, Asia Dispatches

Lu, J. (2020). Strategic Resources and Chinese State Capital: A View from Laos. Made In China: The Work Of Arts January–April 2020.

Lu, J. & K. Chen. (2019). From Pioneers to Brokers: How a diverse Chinese diaspora facilitates the Belt and Road in LaoPanda Paw, Dragon Claw blog

Friis, C., Lu, J. et al. (2019). Smallholder Crop Booms in Mainland Southeast AsiaNew Mandala blog. Australia National University's Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs. 

Featured expert in the Stimson Center and the East West Center's joint report, "America Matters for the Mekong" (2020). 

Speaking Events

China's Capitalism and the World: Panel with Critical China Scholars, November 19, 2020

Asia-Pacific Political Economy: Dynamics and Their Implications: Webinar, January 23, 2021 

Gatty Lecture Series. South of the Clouds, North of the Nagas: Yunnan's Changing Role in the Mekong Region. April 29, 2021. Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program. 

China Made: The Social Life of Chinese Infrastructures in Southeast Asia. May 19-21, 2021. National University of Singapore. Participant. 

Upcoming Events

November 5, 2021. "Partner or Predator? Engaging China in Sustainable Rubber Initiatives." SUNY Buffalo, Department of Environment & Sustainability, Fall 2021 Seminar Series. Buffalo, NY.